For The Forgotten Mothers.
Please consider all mothers of this world…
Especially those who are exploited, harmed and robbed of their motherhood. We often forget the sources of our food.
Dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, cream, etc.) come from mothers who must continuously be impregnated (raped by a farmer’s arm via artificial insemination) only to have their young taken from them forever, within 24 hours of birth to begin the milking process.
These mothers are never to see their babies again. The traumatic experience causes extreme distress and suffering for both mother cow and newborn calf, obvious in their frantic behavior of crying and searching for one another.
The newborns do not get their mother’s milk. Instead they are fed by machine.
If a calf is born male, he is deemed “useless” to the dairy industry and will soon be slaughtered for veal.
The mother cow is attached to machines for milking which causes severe pain and often bring about utter infections, forming pus and bacteria that consequently become part of our “food”.
The cycle of birthing will repeat again and again until she cannot produce milk any longer. She will be slaughtered for meat at 4 years old, still a baby herself considering a cow’s natural life span is 20 years.
Please think again before buying into and supporting the disgusting, inhumane dairy industry. There are so many healthier dairy alternatives nowadays that we need not continue the exploitation of such beautiful, compassionate, feeling animals who are also mothers.
Easily and effectively eliminate milk products from your diet by visiting HEALabel, an ethical consumerism website to quickly see how products collectively impact Health + Environment + Animals + Laborers.
Get the free HEALabel app to discover hundreds of ethical, milk free food brands -available right at your fingertips.