11 Personality Traits Vegans Have And Meat Eaters Lack

Adriane Marie
7 min readDec 21, 2021


Flourish as a fierce vegan with a firm philosophy.

As holidays near so does the dread of debate at the dinner table. After being asked why you’ve declined the main course, a seasoned, sizzling [insert animal sacrificed in the name of tradition here], you realize you’re outnumbered. Inquiring minds look in your direction and await an answer to why you’ve dared to insult the matriarch’s recipe with some strange form of passive protest. Before you add veganism to your family gathering’s heated discussions, here is validation on why it makes sense for you to be vegan in the first place. The following reminders may serve as ways to defend yourself as you (politely) refuse the roast…

1. Vegans embrace change.

Vegans often meet ‘news way of doing things’ with a positive reaction. I’ve noticed vegans are the people who tend to perceive change as a good thing. They consider alternatives whereas others are quick to reject new ideas, shut them down, defaulting to routine, tradition and the way we’ve always done it. If you’ve ever traveled, relocated, met new people, worked different careers, altered your appearance, redecorated your home or reinvented yourself in any way, you’ll certainly be more inclined to try a new diet.

2. Vegans aren’t afraid to be different.

Sociologically speaking, it’s surprising how many decisions are made because other people are doing it. Even if you think your teenage days of peer pressure are over and you’re a completely autonomous adult, research studies disprove this. Even subconsciously, without thinking about it, we tend to do what’s popular. It’s biological. It used to be a matter of survival. Humans would think Hmm…I want to eat this plant but no one else is eating it…they must know something I don’t… so I will also not eat this (probably poisonous) plant. Primitive days are long gone but not the instinct to conform. In dress, life goals, and yes, even diet, we strive to feel normal. To oppose the community can mean rejection from the community which is scary and potentially lonely. This is why going against the grain is so hard. Vegans were not the popular kids in school even if they ate the same as everyone else back then. Ok, that’s just a hunch but think about it…the I don’t care what others think of me attitude is much easier if you had some form of practice not fitting in during the toughest years when all that mattered was belonging. Instead, you became cool with not being cool. And from it you gained resiliency, no longer succumb to peer pressure and gave up on people pleasing.

3. Vegans are capable of admitting fault.

How difficult is it for you to say sorry? Or that you made a mistake? And what does it have to do with being vegan? Humility is a highly underrated personality trait and mistakenly perceived as undesirable. But this is simply not the case. To admit you are wrong is a strength, not a weakness (so long as it does not become self doubting). Asking for forgiveness is humbling, sobering and a true form of compassion. It’s a matter of cooling down the ego and having enough self reflection to understand you can’t possibly be right all the time. Unless you’re a lifelong vegan, at some point you chose to eat meat. Therefore, it’s logical to conclude that at one time you thought your decision to eat meat was right but then realized it was wrong. It may be years since the day us vegans ditched and switched, but it probably went something like “wait a minute, I’ve been doing this all wrong”. And you never looked back.

4. Vegans don’t let upbringing define who they are now.

Raised in a meat eating household? So was I. Grew up in a meat eating town? So did I. Descended from meat eating ancestors? So have I. Technically, we are all products of our environment. Some contently stay in that (rather suffocating) bubble and make no attempt to burst through it. But I highly recommend seeing what’s on outside because it may very well be a better fit for the person you are or would like to become. If you’re a vegan who should have been a meat eater given your surroundings, circumstances, and local influencers then you haven’t allowed cultural norms define you. You’ve become the captain of your ship and chose to steer it in a different direction. Or taken the reins as we say in Kentucky. And despite the association, I certainly do not use because it’s where I’m from as an excuse to eat fried chicken.

5. Vegans have a deep streak of morals, ethics and a solid belief system.

You don’t have to be religious to be devout. One part of veganism is diet but that’s just the tip of the iceberg-lettuce (sorry, I couldn’t resist). Veganism is a lifestyle. You stop supporting what you deem unjust. No leather or wool clothing, no shampoo or toothpaste tested on animals and no visits to the zoo or circus. Going vegan has value that makes the challenge and commitment worth it. Vegans stick to a cause and have unshakable belief their choices now and what they support with their money creates a far more positive impact than before.

6. Vegans are disciplined.

FACT: My self control when it comes to vegan ice cream is questionable. Otherwise, I’m able to forgo any and all temptation to buy products that look good but aren’t vegan. In other words, when it comes to refrains and substitutes, vegans don’t have much difficulty being insistent. It becomes second nature to look up ingredients and if they’re harmful, we firmly refuse.

7. Vegans are more realistic than optimistic.

To be optimistic about the state of the world, is to be willfully ignorant. The way things are today is not great. People are unhealthy, climate change is getting worse and 56 billion land animals are killed every year to be eaten or worn. There’s a lot of suffering going on but vegans aren’t willing to look away. Vegans face the facts no matter how hard it may be to watch documentaries, read about exploitation and expand their overall knowledge about the way things really are. Vegans do not live in some blissful utopia imagining happy grazing grass-fed cows and instant muscle body building with every fork full of steak. We know the truth and we don’t like it. That’s why we’re vegan.

8. Vegans have a healthy dose of intolerance.

Reformation would never be possible without intolerance. That’s right in-tolerance. Unless you’re living under a rock, you know the importance of having tolerance and acceptance these days but I’m talking about just the opposite. The healthy no. Saying I am NOT ok with what the majority currently considers acceptable. Not that long ago the world was an extremely sexist and racist place. Imagine if that “wait, this seems wrong” feeling was suppressed and people had remained tolerant instead of fighting for what they believed needed to improve.

9. Vegans are evolutionary.

Evolution in its truest sense is to take information and use it to adapt in order to survive. To go vegan is just that -discover new information pertaining to the human body’s nutrition and our planet’s atmosphere, use the facts to make dietary changes in order to live better and thrive. We learn that meat, high in fat and cholesterol, is entirely problematic even if our parents and their parents were told otherwise. Doctors used to recommend smoking to deal with stress and prescribe heroine to kill pain. So yes, we learn new things. We take these findings, we apply them to our lives. We find better ways to live, we forget the old info - especially when it’s proven to have deadly consequences.

10. Vegans are empathetic.

The most common reason for going vegan is animal welfare, health is second, and third is the environment (sorry Earth). So what is it about the vegan — animal connection that others don’t seem to get? Just about everyone appreciates animals in some way, whether it’s the family pet, watching the nature channel or even slamming on the breaks to avoid hitting a road crossing raccoon. By putting yourself in their shoes (ok, not shoes) but imaging what it’s like to be an animal is a real gift. Empathy is a skill some don’t even practice with fellow humans. Lest we forget the Golden Rule do unto others as you would have done unto you. A bit biblical but relevant and a good mantra, nevertheless. It’s easy to talk the talk (say you love animals) but vegans walk the walk.

11. Vegans are logical.

Veganism used to be “feeling sorry for the animals”, often associated with shedding tears, heavy emotions and other “endearing” or perhaps even “feminine” behavior. But now science is on our side. Research, data and numbers now back veganism, officially confirming it as a solid solution to climate change and improving health. Neurology also proves these “cute animals” have central nervous systems making it indisputable they experience pain, just as we do, and are sentient beings. This reaffirms regardless of how high or low on the speciesist hierarchy that even the little guys have just as much physical feeling. Veganism is not an emotional decision. It’s a logical one.

…And if dessert has rolled around by now and the family still isn’t convinced, you can always suggest they participate in Veganuary -going vegan for the month of January. If there’s one personality trait meat eaters do not lack, it is the desire to flex robustness. So turn the tables, propose the challenge, and sit back for excuses to follow.

I’m Adriane Marie, the author of this article and founder of HEALabel, an ethical consumerism website and app.

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Adriane Marie
Adriane Marie

Written by Adriane Marie

Hi! I’m Adriane, the creator of HEALabel. I spread awareness on ethical consumerism and label transparency to help our Health Environment Animals Laborers.

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